Launch Coming Soon..?
Created on 14 November, 2022 | FEEDYA Updates | 1,569 views | 2 minutes read
We are getting closer..
Hey..A lot of you are asking me WHEN this is going to launch..
.. and WHAT the products are going to do..
.. and HOW the comp plan will work..
.. and I get it.
You're excited - so am I!
So? Here's some info..
No solid date committed for launch yet, but I'm thinking within 4 weeks from today (maybe sooner). If you want to be part of my pre-launch group let me know and we can talk (if you have a solid engaged list of biz folk itching to make some moolah) - email me:
The "main" product is an incredibly fast and easy "FEEDYA Page Builder", which will enable you to build pages that are designed to feed your audience with your links, your content, your message, your presence - in a way that's completely DIFFERENT from those other page builders out there currently. In fact it's EASIER and faster than "drag n drop".
It's not meant to "replace" any other builder products, but it is meant to be for a more specific purpose - and is meant to be EASIER and FASTER to use than the other builders out there. It builds pages with "mobile first" in mind, which means they'll look PERFECT on your phones, and PERFECT on your computers - every time.
Q: What can I do with a FEEDYA (Feed Your Audience) Page?
A: .. almost anything. From lead generation to profile pages to social "biolink" pages, to timeline displays, youtube channels, image galleries, multi-link downline builder pages, QR code generators, downloadable files, as well as embeds from all the main social media networks from facebook to tiktok and everything in between, direct autoresponder integration, Paypal and Stripe integration, pixel integration (Google, Facebook etc), Google maps integration, and MORE cool stuff than I can list here.
(NOTE: Your GlobalNPN MMPRO autoresponder is one-click integration, so make sure you've got that at the ready.)
.. and YES, you can even sell your own downloadable products RIGHT from your FEEDYA Pages while accepting payment via Paypal and/or Stripe - which is pretty cool.
The more people that see your FEEDYA Pages, the more people will WANT their own - and they'll get it through your link!
ALSO, you'll have access to complete ANALYTICS for all your pages, built-in link shorteners with analytics, targeting, timed click redirection, password protection, advanced targeting by country, browser, date, OS, and BUILT-IN A/B split testing.
PLUS, hosting file links with analytics, QR code generators, Vcard link generators, and over 130 more tools available within your backoffice.
There will be 2 levels of paid membership (monthly), which will give you access to different features based on your membership of course.
The affiliate plan will be based on a 5x5 downline with the ability to PLACE your referrals wherever you want in your organization to give you some team-building flexibility.
You will receive a monthly "referral bonus" for people that you personally sell a membership to, as well as monthly commissions 5 levels deep.
See THIS CALCULATOR for the INSANE potential this has for you and your team.
If you have online products - this is for you.
If you have offline products - this is for you.
If you have service products - this is for you.
If you have a brick and mortar - this is for you.
If you have affiliate products - this is for you.
If you want a bigger online audience - this is for you.
Ready yet?

Any questions, email me at:
~ Geoff Stephen / FEEDYA.CO Admin

Updated on 14 November, 2022
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